Now we are going to move into more advanced technologies of sexuality. Therefore please proceed only after reading and practicing techniques described in Little Things to Dramatically Improve Female Sexuality if you are a woman and “Low Hanging” Techniques to Dramatically Increase Ejaculation Control if you are a man.
If you have a refined control of your pelvic floor muscles, you shouldn’t have a problem to handle an intense sexual encounter for some minutes. Eventually the sexual energy will build up, fill up all the available space and it will want to explode. When this happens, a man would naturally have a difficult time holding back his ejaculation and a woman may exacerbate the situation by unconsciously “pulling the sperm out of her lover”.
One temporary solution is to take a break, but that won’t help much, since the sexual build up will not go away, and seconds after re-engagement the intensity will return to the same level and higher. And who wants to take breaks anyway.
Natural Targets for Sexual Energy Displacement
The next step to take is to learn how to move the energy away from the sexual organs, thus lowering the intensity and deflating the energetic bubble, that was ready to explode.
It’s actually not that difficult to do and some people have been doing that intuitively all along.
If you have an easy time to feel love (not think!) and you can open your heart, simply focus on the feelings in your heart (Anahata / fourth chakra) and the energy will naturally go there, making you feel even more love for your partner, and at the same time lowering the sexual intensity in your genitals.
Another very simple approach is to vocalize when the intensity gets too high. I, for example, naturally tend to groan and make all kinds of animalistic noises and hisses. The only drawback to that is that this excites even more some of my lovers. When you vocalize the energy moves into your thrort (Vishuddha / fifth chakra). Most women do it naturally when they moan with pleasure, and men can do it too if they allow themselves to let go and be playful in their expressiveness.
These two examples should be more than sufficient for you start doing your first experiments with moving the sexual energy away from the sexual organs and allowing you to continue in the love making for as long as you wish to.
The big secret is that the subtle energies follow your focus, just like the handle bars on your bike, and therefore the direction of the movement, follow your gaze, and so wherever you focus during your love making — that’s where the energy will move. So clearly you don’t want to focus on your genitals when the energy gets too intense there.
Sublimation, Transmutation and Kundalini Raising
Raising the heavy dense energy of the lower chakras to the higher chakras is known as sublimation and transmutation. We make the energy more sublime by bringing it up to the chakras that vibrate at a higher, more divine energy. And in the process that energy gets transmuted. This is an alchemical process that we can all master in our body.
Prayer is a perfect example of such a process. Highly religious people usually don’t engage in sex. But they still have this energy and their fervor for God transmutes their sexual energy to into spiritual ecstasy.
Intense creativity, be it on in an art or a mental form is another common occurrence of using our low energy to sublime and transmute it into a high creation. It’s known the most famous creators, such as painters, composers and thinkers, created most of their masterpieces in their youth, when their sexual energy was at its peak and most had little to no sex during those periods of their lives.
And you must have heard of working with Kundalini energy. This process is exactly what it is. When you move your energy up, you’re moving your Kundalini.
footnote: For scientific research on transmutation please read C. Louis Kervran’s Biological Transmutations (1998) (make sure to read the original translation from French, and not the more recent Ohsawa’s translation).
Systemic Approach to Sexual Energy Displacement
Currently we know of two major systems of energy movement that accomplish both the sublimation and transmutation. One coming from Tao and the other from Tantra.
Taoist Cosmic Orbit
Taoists are primarily interested in having the best possible life on Earth and therefore their method of energy movement is a circle, often referred to as a Cosmic Orbit (as it’s being taught by Mantak Chia, a very famous contemporary Master of Tao). A Taoist practitioner moves the energy from the lowest chakra up the spine to the crown chakra and then back down in the front of the body to the lower chakras, creating a circle. The higher chakras (heart and above) purify the gross energy of the lower chakras and then the purified energy is sent back to the lower chakras now in a very refined form. This helps to have a better health and longevity, more wealth, more charisma, and all the other goodies you can think of this material world can offer.
This energetic circle can be performed alone or with your lover. The latter often requires to have a genital contact or penetration.
Before you can use this method you need to practice it so that you can visualize and later feel the subtle energy moving through your body. You can start practicing it with your lover from the beginning, but it’d be much easier to practice on your own first. Love making already involves so many moving parts, so why have one more thing to worry about.
The circle can be performed via any subset of chakras, you can run it fully from the base of the spine (first chakra) to the crown (seventh chakra), or in a smaller circle. The favorite practice taught by many sexual Tao trainings is genitals (first/second chakra) to heart (fifth chakra) circle. The lovers face each other, while their genitals interpenetrate or just touch. The man pushes his second chakra’s energy out through his penis with an outbreath, while the women inhales and takes his sexual energy in through her vagina, then she brings it up to her heart chakra and with an exhale sends it to his heart. As the woman “exhales” the energy of her heart, the man “inhales” it into his heart chakra. And then the circle continues. Usually the energetic and breath movements are combined with a gentle hip movement – the coccyx is moved slightly back on the inhale, and pushed slightly forward on the exhale, creating a thrusting movement. This is the method taught for example by Homa and Mukto in their Tantra Training.
For more details on working with the Cosmic Orbit please see Mantak Chia’s books: “The Multi-Orgasmic Woman” and “The Multi-Orgasmic Man“.
Tantric Upwards Sublimation
The main goal of authentic Tantric teachings is spiritual enlightenment. Therefore most of the time Tantric practitioners raise the gross lower (1 to 3) chakras energy up to the higher (4 to 7) chakras, and they do not bring it down, like the Taoists do. The teaching is:
“the more energy you have in your higher chakras, the more likely the divine grace will descend on you and bring you to a full liberation from the cycles of suffering”.
Depending on the tradition you follow, some would say that physical, emotional and mental wellbeing aren’t important and all the effort should be spent on but one goal – push as much energy as possible into the crown chakra. Other traditions suggest that in order to prolong your time on this plane and thus allow you to accumulate more energy, you better take care of your body and your fitting into this world. In such case you’d send the energy where it is most needed at the moment. If your heart is blocked – send it to your heart, if you have difficulties communicating – send it to your throat chakra, if your have digestion issues – send it to your gut, and so on.
You can create energy by a variety of yogic practices, such as asanas (postures), pranayama (breathwork) and meditation, but one of the most powerful practices for creating powerful energy is sex. It’s accessible to all and doesn’t require years of practice. All you need to learn is how to harness that power horse and guide it to where you need the energy to go.
In Taoist Cosmic Orbit technology both lovers circulate the energy through each others body. In Tantra each lover raises his energy to higher chakras of his own body.
Another important practice is to spend some time after the love making and focus on one of the higher chakras and move that energy up, so that you won’t be leaving the love making session still loaded with sexual energy in the area of your genitals. That’s of course if you didn’t have an explosive orgasm with ejaculation (men), since there will be little energy to raise.
footnote: Since all spiritual schools have a wide range of variations when it comes to implementation specifics, I’m sure there are Tao schools out there that are more like Tantra, and Tantra schools that are more like Tao. So these are just two very different approaches at how one could approach energy movement and what one gains from it. It doesn’t really matter what label is used. Neither is superior to the other. What matters is where you want to go and which method you resonate with the most at a given moment. This can change and it’s the best to follow your intuition.
In future articles I will discuss in detail:
- how to move energy to specific chakras and how to deploy a plethora of support tools to make it easier to get there.
- how to practice energy movement outside of lovemaking sessions.
Until then, practice with either feeling love from your heart or vocalization technique, as easily accessible methods for moving energy away from genitals and prolonging your love making experience.
Another tip is to start moving the energy right away at the beginning of the love making session and not wait till it gets too intense. And don’t be afraid to move all the sexual energy out of your genitals as it’s unlikely to happen if you’re passionate about each other. It’s of course possible that you might be so powerful at opening your heart that you may lose all interest in continuing engaging in sexual activity, but at least in my “book”, if my heart is so open and full of love that I lost interest in sex, that’s amazing and I won’t care about sex at that moment, the love energy would be so overpowering that it will be worth it.
Moving Energy For Each Other
It’s possible that only one of you gets excited in learning this art, or perhaps one of you is more advanced than the other. It doesn’t matter as long as one of you has a good control at moving energy. As I shared here, when I was a complete beginner and had almost zero control, experienced Tantric women were able to compensate for my lack of this skill and we were able to make love for as long as we wanted to. An experienced man can help a woman, and vice versa. This is because when one person moves his energy, the energy of the other moves too, if it’s left undirected by its owner.
I did encounter some non-Tantric women whose built-up sexual energy was too powerful for me, and it was very difficult for me to control. I’m sure there are other more powerful men out there who could have handled those situations much better than I.
And then I made love to other non-Tantric women who naturally move their energy up and I didn’t have to do any extra work, other than moving my own sexual energy up.
Of course when both lovers move the energy up it’s the most powerful experience.
I trust you will have an amazing experience learning and implementing these advanced techniques, taking your love making experience to the next level.
Please share your successes and difficulties in the comments below.
When you practiced the techniques described in this article, you are ready to proceed to the next article in this series: Tools To Help You Focus on Chakras During Sex or you could make another pick from Sexuality and Relationships Open Book if you wish to switch to a different topic.
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Hi Stas :0) Thankyou very much for making this infomation freely available, its a great service and gift to the rest of us. I am a long time meditator but not really encountered energy movement before, alone or with a partner, its really exciting! I’m definately gonna read up and try it out.
Your book makes it clear to me my partner and i have been following some of these suggestions intuitively.
Yours in gratitude,